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ProPublica: Many of the uber-rich pay next to no income tax
Many of the uber-rich pay next to no income tax, ProPublica reports
Reporting from ProPublica shows many of the uber-rich pay next to no income tax
Uber-rich Are Paying Next to No Federal Income Tax
ProPublica: America's uber rich paying little to no income tax
Wealthiest Americans Pay Next to No Income Tax, ProPublica Report Finds
Many of richest Americans paid nearly nothing in federal income taxes: Report
Here's how the wealthiest Americans avoid taxes legally: ProPublica investigation
ProPublica report shows just how little the rich pay in taxes
ProPublica: Richest 25 Americans pay less in federal taxes than everyday workers
ProPublica investigation reveals how little some of the wealthiest Americans pay in income taxes
ProPublica reveals how little some of America's billionaires pay in taxes